Anyone who is assessed with a disability, either through illness or injury, accident or a worsening medical condition, will invariably need a degree of personal support

Roses Healthcare works with disabled adults and young people across all ages and gender as a live in carer in clients homes or the in the community including the workplace, and college. Roses Healthcare maintains a positive attitude about disabled people and, even in the face of severe disability, we can help them live a positive and purposeful life.

Our services for people with physical disability include the following tasks.

  • Help to get up in the morning going to bed at night.
    • Personal hygiene and bathing.
    • Management of incontinence and assisting with toileting needs.
    • Meal-time help with eating and drinking.
    • Assistance with prescribed medication.
    • Assistance with mobility.

Light Domestic Care for Disabled People.

  • Bed changing.
    • Housekeeping including vacuum cleaning, dusting, washing and ironing.
    • Shopping and errands (including collecting pensions and prescriptions)
    • Preparing and cooking food and assisting with eating meals.
    • Accompanying to doctor, hospital, optician, dentist etc.
    • Accompanying to social events.
    • Overnight stay and care.
    • Day sitting and companionship.
    • Short term breaks and respite for carers.

As well as providing day-to-day personal care, Roses Healthcare can offer motivation, support and encouragement needed to maintain a client’s independence.