A number of factors can limit or make it difficult to carry out a number of personal care tasks; they range from Illness, age, infirmity to even physical disability which can be frustrating and in some cases embarrassing.

At Roses Healthcare our trained care staff are experienced in helping all kinds of people with their personal care, respecting your dignity at all times while aiming to help you to retain as much independence as possible. They are understanding and sympathetic, without being patronising.

They are aware that every client is an individual, with unique personal needs, preferences and values, so they will not intrude into your personal life. Roses Healthcare support arrangements are completely personalised to suit an individual’s requirements, this may include the involvement of family if the client wishes or the service requested in the care and support plan.

Our typical care plan under Personal Care includes:

Assistance to start your day well

Help to get up, wash, shower or bathe, get dressed and have breakfast. That can also include help using the bathroom and toilet, cleaning your teeth, and shaving

Preparation for bed

Help with undressing and getting into bed.

Continence care

This entails clinical waste service.

Help with grooming

This may include hair washing, drying, and combing, shaving, foot care, and personal hygiene management. This also extend to care of clothes, making sure they are clean and pressed.


Managing client medication, recognising and discussing client’s health needs, and making appointments on their behalf with healthcare professionals.

Food preparation

We offer support with making drinks, menu planning, and food shopping, cooking as well as food preparation.